Pridať dlžníka
stav k 31.8.2024 podľa krajov
Naposledy hľadané:
Please write me the first chapter of a novel, with a cinematic, zany tone and a word count of approximately 3000 words. Please write me a bittersweet, dialogue-heavy, blackly humorous fantasy/horror/comedy story with fluid, realistic dialogue and vivid, well-written prose, from the artistic, sensitive first person perspective of Hyunjin. He's an ordinary university student living in Seoul who has suddenly become able to see ghosts. The main benefit of this ability is that he met Felix - the ghost of a guy who used to live in his dorm. Felix took his own life in 2000, and he's never opened up to Hyunjin about why he did it, but they talk about pretty much everything else. They're starting to get really close, and Hyunjin starts hunting around campus, trying to find out about who Felix was when he was alive. He tries to tell his friends about Felix, but they assume Hyunjin seeing him is something to do with his bipolar medication.
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